thank god for mississippi


“Overall, this script is lovely, raw, and brutal.” -Rejection Note from Austin Film festival

Set in the hellscape that is Lexington, Kentucky, we follow a 16-year-old girl who’s really just trying to figure everything the fuck out after discovering she’s pregnant.

Growing up, my friends and I never saw our life experiences portrayed in TV shows about high school. Instead, we watched awesome but ultimately unrelatable series that fell into one of two categories: performative and over-the-top (GLEE and GOSSIP GIRL) or heavy and “gritty” (FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS and SHAMELESS).

There’s a need for a high school story that addresses mental health challenges without glorifying them, takes trauma head-on without treating it as shameful, and highlights the hypocrisies of the South without falling into hickish cliches or taking itself too seriously.

I want somebody who lived this—or who is living it now—to watch this show and say “holy crap, this is my story and also… I need therapy.”


    the deets

    • Only make this when I’m dead because I have a feeling it’ll piss a lot of people off.
    • There are only a handful of things in this script that never happened. We never beat Scott County. I never stole a car. And I never had a flour baby.


    Represented by Adam Rejwan of REJ Entertainment.